
Documentation and guide

What is JustSign-in ?

JustSign-in is a shortcut to connect to other shortcuts. With JustSign-in, you have to enter your informations just one time and then, all the compatibles shortcuts will check in the files to get your informations without ask you.

How to use JustSign-in ?

At the first run, JustSign-in will ask you few questions to create a general profile which contains :

- Your name (or username)

- A contact method (phone number or e-mail address)

- A profile picture

Then, you can create, modify or delete four profiles :

- General

- Medical

- Work/School

- Shortcuts Preferences

How integrate JustSign-in in my shortcuts ?

All the json files are saved in :

iCloud Drive -> Shortcuts -> JustSign-in -> profiles

Just use the actions "get file" and then "get value for {key} in {dictionary}" with the file as dictionary.